5 Of The Biggest Mistakes You Can Make During Video Production For Email Marketing
Posted on: 29 June 2015
Regardless of the type of business that you are in, reaching out to potential customers regularly is the only way to keep your business growing and there is no better way to do that than through video email marketing. The first stages of this process is video production, and this is also the first opportunity you have to make sure you avoid some pretty major mistakes. Here are five big mistakes you should avoid during video production for email marketing.
1. Skipping the Introduction - An email marketing video is a virtual introduction to you and your business. Make sure the beginning of the video offers some form of introduction, whether it is in verbalization or words on the screen. Keep in mind a user will want to make sure that your video is not spam, which could be assumed if they click a link and land on a video that does not clearly offer an introduction.
2. Creating a Lengthy Video - There is a fine line between providing a good overview in video form and running off on a tangent with too many details. The average consumer will not spend more than just a few minutes checking their email at a time, and therefore, your video has to be precise and to the point.
3. Not Formatting the Video for Mobile Use - Mobile email alone can account for as much as 70% of emails that actually get opened. Therefore, your video must be properly formatted for viewing on mobile devices. If it is not, you will be left with a video that will likely not play on cell phones or tablets, which means it will be quickly sent to trash in the inbox.
4. Filling the Video with Too Much Technical Jargon - If you are in the technical business, relaying information is important, but you also need to keep technical explanations short. Otherwise, whoever opens your video will just get lost in all of the jargon and move on to something else.
5. Skipping Professional Production - If a video pops up in a person's email, from the moment they click on it, the message conveyed needs to be professional. This is why it is so important to make sure that you do utilize professional video production services when making your video. Poor quality, the wrong lighting, and formatting issues will likely get your email message deleted pretty quick.
If you pay enough attention to the video production process of email marketing, there is no limit to how many new customers and contacts you could reach. Keep this list of easy-to-make mistakes in mind on your next marketing venture and you will incredible results.