5 Things Your Law Firm Needs For Solid Lead Conversion

Posted on: 10 August 2017

Taking a prospective client and turning them into a paying client, otherwise known as lead conversion, is one of the most powerful tools for increasing revenue. Increasing the number of leads you get both online and offline can be a good thing. But learning steps for lead conversion for your law firm is even more important. If your office is struggling, rest assured that there are a number of simple ways to get those numbers up.
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Boost The Response Rate Of Your Marketing Emails With These 3 Simple Tips

Posted on: 27 January 2017

Whether you are the marketing manager of a large ecommerce corporation or the owner of a small online business just trying to get the word out about your company, email marketing is likely something that has come up. While most businesses do at least try to implement email marketing strategies into their business plan, few actually do so in a way which leads to substantial changes in web traffic.  So how do you ensure that the effort you put into creating and sending marketing emails actually generates a response?
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Questions To Ask Developers Before Hiring Them To Design Your Custom Software

Posted on: 25 May 2016

You might be investigating custom software to help your business run more effectively. Custom software that is developed specifically for your company can allow you and your employees to complete tasks more quickly because it is formulated only for your specific needs. However, if you have never contracted a company to do this type of work, you might not know the right questions to ensure that you select a web design firm that can give you what you need.
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Selling Your Website? 3 Tips To Help You Make The Most From It

Posted on: 29 January 2016

If you have a website and want to sell it, it can bring in a lot of money for you if you go about it the right way. You have worked hard building your site up, and it would be a shame to sell it for much less than what it is worth. Below are some tips that will help you get the most money out of your website that you can.
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